Resources for
Women in Business
“Women are turning to entrepreneurship at higher rates than ever before, as many women recognize that business ownership offers greater financial stability, flexibility, and opportunities for professional growth. ‘Immense progress for women business owners and leaders has been achieved over the past few decades. Meanwhile, challenges continue to exist for female entrepreneurs, including access to capital and availability of equity and capital options for women and minority-owned businesses, and disparities in the number of business opportunities, among other challenges,’ said Pamela Prince-Eason, President and CEO of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)”- Forbes
Park Local was formed to help meet the financial needs of businesses in Park County. The organization hopes to meet this goal with a variety of financial options for both start-up and existing businesses. Our micro loans (0-$75,000) are perfect for small businesses and start-ups, and can be used to help finance a variety of needs for a business. Eligible activities include; land purchase, construction, rehabilitation, expansion, installation of commercial and industrial buildings, purchase of machinery or equipment, working capital, employee training and other commercial activities.
Businesses of all kinds face a variety of challenges, and as Forbes states this is especially true for women owned businesses. Here we have created a list of resources for women in business outside the financial side of things.
Montana Women’s Business Center
The Montana Women’s Business Center, sponsored by Prospera is a no-cost resource that offers business counseling, business technical training, mentorship, and connection for Montana women in business. A great resource for both start-up and existing business.
PowerHouse Montana, run by Women’s Foundation Montana has two goals. “Connect Montana women with the resources, mentors, and opportunities they need to thrive in business and in life” and “Increase the number of Montana women in leadership by providing a go-to source for organizations and companies looking for their next CEO or board chair.”
Leadership takes many forms. It is about caring about the place you live, investing in your own personal growth, and stepping up to work with others to make a difference. We, as a community, are stronger when we appreciate differences in others, engage in respectful conversations, and work together. As a program of MSU Park County Extension, Leadership 49 is a nine-month leadership development program for Park County citizens. Composed of monthly day-long sessions, community-based experiences, and a group project, participants develop leadership skills, increase their knowledge about challenges and opportunities, and network with community groups, leaders, businesses, elected officials, and others. While Leadership 49 isn’t exclusively for women, the connections made in this unique Park County program can become an incredible resource for all who participate.
Women in Ranching is an organization that strives to create space for women in the agriculture industry. From their website “Throughout history, women have joined together to address and find solutions to problems— airing their burdens of the hearth, business, community, or whatever they may be holding. The first Women in Ranching “Circles” were created in this same spirit, providing a community where stories are held, and experiences are affirmed and elevated. In these places, there has always been a shared belief that our land needs more caring hands and hearts.”
Business Consulting and Resiliency Team
Run by Park Local, the Business Consulting and Resiliency Team pairs small local businesses with consultants that can meet their needs, and covers the cost of the first three hours of consulting. Get expert advice and strategic planning for financial, marketing, web design, branding, and other needs. Quality consulting from local experts doesn’t need to be out of reach for Park County Businesses.
While Park Local hopes to create accessibility to financing for all businesses, there is so much more a business needs to be successful. Community, counseling, and support can all be found in these additional resources.