Livingston-Park County Housing Symposium 5/22

Questions about housing? Not sure what affordable housing really means? Join us on Monday, May 22 for the Livingston-Park County Housing Symposium. We’ll discuss the current state of housing, affordability, and learn about innovative solutions for preserving...

Market Montana Symposium in Missoula 9/11-12

Join the Montana Main Street Project for the third Peer-to-Peer Symposium Series. Market Montana will feature successes from around the state, highlight partnerships, and share with our audience the great things to come in Montana’s future. This conference is...

Manufacturing Day 2015 in Lewistown 10/2

In celebration of Manufacturing Day 2015, Spika Design & Manufacturing, Inc. will open its doors on Oct. 2nd to the community as part of an effort to change people’s perceptions about today’s manufacturing environment and draw...

Montana Correctional Enterprises Presentation 9/24

On September 24th from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., representatives from the Montana Correctional Enterprises will provide a brief overview of their program and services they can provide to businesses. They have a wide variety of products and services (i.e., furniture, sewing,...